Timata helps you access your essentials from one place.
All your support care, through Tīmata
Connect your Tīmata calendar with your network, to bring all your events together.
Set up Tīmata reminders and prompts for your important updates and actions.
Stay connected to people in your network, with private messaging through Tīmata.
Order your groceries, through Tīmata
Use Tīmata to design your budget and manage your day-to-day expenses.
Tīmata provides access to basic affordable grocery options, delivered to the door.
Set up an ongoing Tīmata food delivery subscription, with variable weekly options.
Manage your health care, through Tīmata.
Manage your prescriptions through Tīmata, and have them delivered to your door.
Access to exclusive Tīmata discounts on
over-the-counter chemist products.
Timata sends you personalised prompts to help you manage your health.